About a week ago Liam started waking up in the wee hours of the morning (again) and coming into our room. He acted very casual about the whole process -- no fussing, just climbing up into our bed & settling in like he belonged there. I would promptly get up, walk him back to his room & put him back into bed with just a little protest. We developed a sort of routine to this for about 5 nights in a row. However, on night 6 the pitter patter of little feet was followed by a loud thump, which of course was followed by a loud wail. Liam had miscalculated in the dark and walked right into our bedside table...cheek first.
At first it didn't look so bad...jut a little cut on his cheek, but each day it's gotten worse as the bruising has creeped toward his eye.
Day 2
At first it didn't look so bad...jut a little cut on his cheek, but each day it's gotten worse as the bruising has creeped toward his eye.