Determined to be upbeat about the whole situation so that the children wouldn't get upset, I very cheerily said to Julia, "This is going to be an adventure, Julia. Are you ready for an adventure?" Her response...
*Just FYI, we did get the tire changed quickly thanks to the kindness of strangers. I had hauled the spare out of the trunk and was getting the jack set up when one of the employees arriving (it was morning rush hour and we were in an office parking lot) noticed our plight and took over. Liam slept through all of it.
I am cracking up that she said that. Totally something Caroline would say. Good for you for staying upbeat :) I need to learn how to change a tire myself!
I have no clue how to change a tire. And I agree with Julia--sometimes "later" is a better time for an adventure. :) Good for you for being positive.
I'm proud of you for knowing how tochange a tire. Thanks for AAA, I would call them and wait & wait & wait.
there are good people all over the world to stop to help, and God Bless Them!
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