This little man is a ball of energy!
Liam is tall for his age--he usually stands at least a head taller than the other children his age-- and any child even an inch smaller, he immediately declares "Baby." Liam walks and runs (though still in a drunken-sailor fashion as he gets ahead of his feet at times), and he climbs EVERYTHING -- jungle gyms, slides, furniture, the curtains (before pulling them out of the wall...), the bookshelves, and me.
Liam is still a very happy-go-lucky boy. He wakes up smiling and can keep himself entertained very well. He loves looking at books (though will rarely sit still long enough for me to read one to him), he's great with puzzles, and he is obsessed with trucks. He absolutely loves nature too -- trees, birds, the sky -- he can sit outside for hours just looking in awe (at something as spectacular as a sky full of stars or something as mundane as a single brown leaf on the ground).
He laughs a lot (he's even got a great fake laugh for when he's missed the joke that has everyone else cracking up), and he's even a little comedian himself too. Mostly slapstick -- pretending to bang into a wall, smearing food on his face, putting strange objects on his head as hats, etc.
He's also very affectionate! He'll come running with arms outstretched, saying, "Cuddles!" and give a big hug. He also give lots of kisses-- he makes the sound, "mmm-ma" and then bumps his face into yours. He's can be really persistent with his kisses too. He's had a cold most of the winter (yes, it's been winter here), and I must say we all shied away from his snotty kisses, offering a cheek instead. But Liam wouldn't settle for that. He'd take your face in his hands and pull you around till he could plant a slimey kiss right on your lips (no wonder we all caught his cold!).
But that's not to say that he hasn't also figured out how to get his point across when he's frustrated or upset. He's got a grip better than a badger when you go to take something away from him (you know, the butcher's knife or China teapot that he's managed to get hold of after circumventing the house's child-proofing).
And most times instead of just screaming in upset, he growls at you, as if in warning..."You may think you're teaching me cause and effect, but just you wait to see the consequences of taking away my beloved bludgeoning stick."
And he talks...a lot! His favorite words are "truck" and "water" and "cuddles" but he has quite a repertoire.
I can understand most of his single words, but he also tells whole stories at times and that just becomes a blur. He's a good imitator as well, and he is forever trying to copy Julia -- in speaking, in their play, in how he eats (he will only eat a banana if Julia is eating one too).
Liam and I are about to have two days a week together-- just us while Julia's at pre-school-- and I'm looking forward to my one-on-one time with my little man.

But that's not to say that he hasn't also figured out how to get his point across when he's frustrated or upset. He's got a grip better than a badger when you go to take something away from him (you know, the butcher's knife or China teapot that he's managed to get hold of after circumventing the house's child-proofing).
And he talks...a lot! His favorite words are "truck" and "water" and "cuddles" but he has quite a repertoire.
Liam and I are about to have two days a week together-- just us while Julia's at pre-school-- and I'm looking forward to my one-on-one time with my little man.
1 comment:
Precious entry. He sounds like such a cutie, and I hope that you enjoy your alone time with him.
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