Every day I intend to resume blogging, but it goes something like this: The children are entertained with their toys. I sit down at the computer. I hear a crash (Liam breaking a vase with a palm frond from the backyard) or a scream (Julia whacking Liam on the head with said palm frond). And I abandon the blogging to settle the chaos.

But today the kids are at school. They have only 4 more weeks to go (too long a commute and too expensive to continue), so I'm indulging in the little luxuries of my remaining 8 (yes, I'm counting) child-free days with blogging and watching movies while I do the ironing (can't indulge completely--there's still housework to be done).

So here's the rapid replay of our last few months:
We had a fabulous trip to the States for Thanksgiving. Lots of family and friends and even some snow! We will definitely make the effort to do it again this year, and hopefully this time can stay for Christmas too.

We left the snow in Mississippi to return for a blazing Christmas in Queensland. I hosted the McCarthy Family Christmas Party at a local park, and all the young ones enjoyed swimming and running around while the adults sought out what little shade we could find. Santa brought trains galore for Liam and a big girl bike AND a scooter for Julia. After opening presents we headed down to Brunswick Heads for our beach Christmas with Matt's immediate family (and their next door neighbors), and the children had day after day of playing on the beach, swimming in the river and riding bikes (Liam hitched a ride with either Matt or me while Julia practiced on her new bike).

Enjoying cupcakes at the family party

As close as we could get to a photo with Santa
(Liam wouldn't even get that close!)

Testing out the new train table

Christmas morning with my darling daughter who insists on wearing her clothes backwards

Matt had to work on my birthday, so after breakfast all together, the children celebrated with me at the Thomas the Train Extravaganza at the Rail Museum in Ipswich. Our friends Deb & Steve came over that night to ring in the New Year, but we were all back in our own beds by 10 or 11 (and up at 5am on New Years Day!).

Early morning birthday greetings from the kiddos
The New Year brought a big change for me as I started my own yoga business, Serenity Yoga. No studio of my own yet, but I have nearly 100 clients and teach between 6-10 classes per week out of the local gyms and community centres. All very exciting! Advertising and getting everything up and running continues to consume a lot of my time, but I'm also making a point to work on my own practice in preparation for the next step -- getting certified in Yoga Therapy (to help people with serious injuries and severe illnesses, including mental health problems). I've started working with a Multiple Sclerosis patient, and that work has been so rewarding (and such a learning experience) for us both!

January and February also brought household changes and celebrations. We got new carpet, painted walls, rearranged furniture and held a garage sale to start clearing out some of the clutter. Matt & I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on January 14th and Liam turned 2 on February 18th. I'll do a separate post about Liam's party and my big boy, but the quick recap is that he had a wonderful time --presents at home and a mini party at school on the actual day and a party with family and friends (and a blue truck cake) the following weekend.

My mom arrived just before Liam's birthday and almost a whole glorious month with us, playing with the children, going to yoga classes with me, and helping out tremendously around the house! We all had a fabulous weekend down in Kingscliff, NSW at Mantra Salt Beach -- sun, sand and actual relaxation with 3 adults looking after the kids -- such a treat! We were so sorry to send her off to the plane and have spent the past 2 weeks just getting back into our normal schedule.

March hasn't been all about getting back to reality though. I enjoyed a blissful 3-day yoga retreat in the hinterland of NSW at Black Sheep Farm with a great group of yogis, deepening our practice with some advanced classes and soaking up the meditative mountain air. I can't say that I've been able to entirely hold that meditative, calm attitude since then, but the break sure helped!

The children continue to make me laugh and also throw new challenges my way daily. Julia has been easing away (permanently, I hope) from most of the thrashing 3's behavior we'd been witnessing since December, and she has even become quite the comedian (when she's in the mood). I hear her putting on shows for Liam, complete with different voices to narrate her story lines. Liam continues to enjoy dressing in Julia's princess outfits and having his nails painted, but he is somehow at the same time all boy -- every object can quickly turn into a weapon of mass destruction and trucks and trains are the centre of his universe.

The next few months promise to be equally (if not more) hectic than the last few as we transition the children out of their pre-school and into a few new activities (soccer and dance) and as Matt completes his FINAL (yay!) semester of his Masters of Commerce degree. I take the Australian Citizenship Test on April 9th (wish me luck!) and will hopefully be invited to the Citizenship Ceremony within a few months after that. Once the test has passed, we will turn our attention to Matt's American green card and our eventual move (most likely January 2012) to the States (still not sure which one yet, but Colorado's top of the list for now).
I'd like to promise that I'll be better about blogging, but we all know how life is....

Who needs a footrest when you've got kids?!

A new favorite hiding spot

Ring around the rosy....

...they all fall down.
More fun times at the family Christmas party:

Liam loved his new wheels:

But the kids quickly found a new way to travel:

Loving the binoculars from Aunt Connie

Check out that concentration....
Liam was determined to find every last goody hiding in the stocking

Attempting a Raulston family photo
(notice Julia peeking out from behind the chairs and Liam's fake "smile")

Exciting stocking stuffers

(Julia is quite the fish these days and can now swim on her own!)

Gassing up the new bike

Our new sand pit (minus the sand) from Gran & Pop

Brothers in pseudo-serious conversation

Liam weighing in on the big boys' conversation
(check out the picture above and compare father and son's stance)

The long, bouncy couches at Brunswick...hours of entertainment!

Trying on her snazzy new clothes

Trains, trains & more trains at the Thomas extravaganza:

Lifesize Thomas the Tank Engine

Riding the real train

Making an announcement to the passengers on the platform
This is how Aussies do Christmas dinner:

Prawns, oysters, lots of salads and fresh white bread and butter
(plus a ham just for good measure)

Just making sure he'll fit on the plane
1 comment:
Laura, so excited to see a new post and catch up on your life. Julia and Liam are adorable!! Glad to see you're all doing well. And congratulations on the new yoga business. So proud of you and I hope it continues to grow and do well!!
love, amanda
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