22 March 2008

Car Wash

Dam levels are up, so we were rewarded with a "wet weekend"....two whole hours on a Saturday (for odd-numbered houses) in which we were allowed to use our hose to water the plants and (better yet) wash the cars! It'd been so long since we'd been able to wash our car, that I was starting to forget that my car is actually white. Matt did all the real scrubbing, but Julia got out there and helped him. She's the perfect height for cleaning tires ;-) She took her job very seriously, spending a good 10 minutes on just the license plates! She has been very disappointed that this is not a daily event, and every day since then when we go into the garage, she races over to the bucket of car washing stuff, picks up a sponge, and asks, "Wash?" This fixation has replaced her former obsession...the lawnmower.

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