Judging from her complete exhaustion upon their return,

her chocolate-stained clothing, and the photos and video clips Matt took, Julia had an absolute blast over the Easter long weekend.

Jon's (Pop's) cousin, Peter and his wife, Jenni, have a beautiful house and acreage (that's increased since the drought) at Wivenhoe Dam, and each year for the Easter holiday, the McCarthys all gather there to camp out, eat tons of delicious food and lots of chocolate, ride bikes or horses, go for long walks or cool swims, and just generally relax and enjoy the company.

I opted out of the trip because Liam's a bit too little for camping, but Matt and Julia went and enjoyed themselves while I caught up on some much needed rest. Matt's cousins all have kids who are between 5 & 10 yrs old (or so), and they all (the little girls especially) kept Julia thoroughly entertained, so Matt got a bit of a break too. I'll try to post some of the video soon (I've figured out how to post video from our normal camera but not from the actual video camera yet). In the meantime, here are a few pictures from the weekend.
The girls had their hands full with Julia and little 9-month old Sophia

The McCarthy clan's starting to look like a bikey gang (Jon's really started a trend with his motorcycle)...

Julia and Taylor -- this was a game played a lot throughout the weekend -- Julia was the passenger and the older girls were the horses pulling the hula hoop "carriage"

Julia and Malia hunting for Easter eggs (in Australia, all the Easter eggs for the hunt are pure chocolate -- none of those plastic eggs or colored real eggs -- and y'all Americans think your kids are on a sugar high at Easter!)

A soccer pro in the making...
1 comment:
Great update. It helps me picture the Easter retreat.
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