I realized all my new posts have been about Julia. She IS the main consumer of my time and energy and works hard to overshadow her calm little brother, but I do, in fact, have two children.

Liam is now 3 months old. He has a sweet disposition. For the most part he only cries when he's really hungry or something hurts.

For anything else he gives a short squeal and then just waits patiently for someone to tend to his needs. He smiles at everyone who talks to him and will ham it up when he knows he's got your full attention, cooing, grinning, sticking out his little tongue and flirting shamelessly.
He can roll from back to front but not consistently.

He often flips himself over and then looks shocks to find himself in this new position. His head is getting much stronger, and he's discovering that he can actually control his arms a bit and that they aren't just independently flailing appendages that whack him in the face every now and then. He's not proficient at grabbing things yet, but he bats at his toys in a valiant effort.

All of his antics keep me thoroughly entertained, but my favorite milestone so far is his laughing.

He has a great sense of humor already and will chuckle, belly laugh or even snort a little at funny faces, silly songs and being tickled.
By the way, the snail outfit was a major hit with Julia! Thanks to cousin Hayes for passing that on!
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