Liam is finally starting solid foods. I'd planned to start solids while we are in Mississippi.

Julia started at about 5months, but Liam just didn't seem ready. But a couple of weeks, I took Liam in for a doctor's appointment, and she scolded me for not starting solids yet. So I dutifully followed her advice and started with rice cereal. Liam was not pleased. Three "meals" of rice cereal. Three spit ups of rice cereal. Can't say I blame him, the stuff is pretty blah.

I thought he might like sweet potato better, so I cook, strained, & pureed some for him. Full-body shiver of disgust. A look of horror at the mushy orange stuff I'd just put in his mouth. And, of course, all of it was promptly spit up. Nearly a week of this reaction to every food I tried, so I abandoned the effort temporarily. Should have stuck to my instinct in the first place.

Yesterday I decided to try again, and Liam sat on the kitchen counter while I stewed and pureed pears, butternut squash, and apples in separate dishes for a smorgasbord of new tastes.

I had the rice cereal on hand, and decided to give him a little taste again. Full body shiver, but less spit up. We're making progress. The pears were a hit. I still got a funny look as I spooned the puree into his mouth, but instead of horror it was just a look of mild confusion followed by mild approval, "Ok, Mom, now you're on to something with this pear stuff." The squash, much like the sweet potato, was flatly rejected. Maybe orange vegetables just aren't his thing. At least this time we'd managed the whole endeavor (2 "meals") without regurgitating it all. Progress.

Late last night when Liam was awake (again) and seeming restless and hungry, I decided to try something new. The Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder (I'll get a photo later...for some reason Blogger's not letting me put in the web link). What a great product! I filled it with frozen banana slices, and he loved it!! Seriously, this is the same guy who actually looked offended that I had dared to give him a banana a couple of weeks ago, and last night he ate almost the entire thing. Great for teething too!