Wellington Point (aka Gran & Pop's house)...

As I've been a slacker at blogging, I overlooked posting a bunch of pictures from a nice day we had a few weeks ago at Matt's parents house.

We had a nice lunch with Gran & Pop (who somehow ducked out of all the photos),

Uncle Josh, Uncle Shane, and Bindi (Shane's girlfriend).

Liam loved the attention (as usual) and kicking around on a new floor (he's so ready to be able to run around with Julia and play).

Julia was very shy at first but soon warmed up and was hamming it up for her nice big audience, dancing around the house for everyone.

Julia & Daddy also spent time at Wellington Point

while Liam & I were in Vanuatu.

They played out side till well after dark (a great treat) and played at the park and little beach at the point. Julia particularly enjoyed playing with Daddy and Pop's remote control planes (Christmas presents last year).

The video is of her controlling the helicopter (and then of it chasing her when she can't figure out how to turn it off)--pretty funny!
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