Weight: 8.75kg (19lbs, 4oz)
Recent Milestones: 1st tooth, crawling, sitting up, pulling up to standing, saying "Mama"
Hobbies include: Chewing on everything in sight, following his sister around and laughing hysterically at her antics, playing hide-and-seek by crawling as quickly as possible under any nearby furniture or behind curtains, disappearing in less than a minute and scaring mama.
Liam crawls like a seal or like he's doing "The Worm", but boy can he move! He is no longer hindered by objects in his way (pillows, tables, toys). Now he just crawls over them or stops to pull up on top of them. We have had to lower his mattress so that he does pull himself up and out of the crib, and he's now getting his share of bumps and bruises as he hoists himself up on things and then topples over before we can catch him.
He still is just smitten with Julia, and despite continued sharing issues, she is really sweet to him. Car rides have become much more pleasant as she now plays peek-a-boo with him in the back seat to keep him laughing, and laugh he does! He saves his biggest belly laughs just for her and will crawl all over the house just to get close to her (lots of times even crawling up into her lap)!
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