My mother -- being the incredible help that she is-- offered to keep Liam for two nights so that I could finally get some much-needed rest (have I mentioned that she's amazing?!?). So after classes yesterday, I took Julia to Nana's condo and we all had dinner together, got ready for bed, and then Julia and I drove back up to Brisbane. Even though I know my mom is great with Liam and I was looking forward to one of the only full nights of sleep in over two years, I still had a hard time leaving the little man for his first night away from me. But Julia chattered away about her day at school then fell asleep on the drive home and let me transfer her easily to bed when we got back, and by 9pm I was crawling into bed myself, quickly forgetting any separation anxiety.

We were still up early as usual, but I slept--
uninterrupted-- from 9pm-5:30am...in one night I'd gotten more sleep than I'd had
in total in the last week!! And to top it all off...while Liam was at Nana's house, he only woke up once! Sorry, G-
da, but I might not ever let her go home now ;-)

Julia and I have had a fantastic mother-daughter morning too!

We played around the house, having tea parties and dancing a lot. Then we went to the new big park at Springfield Lakes-- multiple play structures, a kid's bike track, great swings, and more!-- and on from there to Orion Shopping Centre where we went to Storytime at the local bookstore, did some grocery shopping, and went out to lunch. (and I have NO pictures from it all because we've misplaced the camera charger--hence the random assortment of Mississippi photos throughout this post).

Thank you, Nana! This has been such a treat to get sleep and also such great one-on-one time with Julia, who is definitely a little girl and no longer a baby! Or perhaps "little princess" is more accurate. Sometimes when you ask her questions (e.g. "What animal is that?" or "What did you do at school to day?") she now answers with the non-sequiter, "I am
Julia" as if to say, I am too important to answer your silly questions, mom. [Side note: She has also started the blame game.

Our vacuum cleaner stopped working the other day. Somewhere between the kitchen and living room it just gave up the ghost. I turned to Julia and said, "What happened to mommy's vacuum cleaner, Julia?" not really expecting an answer. Without skipping a beat, she very matter-of-factly said, "Daddy, broke it."]
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