It started raining when we got home that afternoon, and Julia was thrilled at the (rare) chance to don her raincoat and boots and stomp around in the rain. Liam looked forlornly at Julia's outfit (he's outgrown his coat and boots), so I loaned him my rain jacket....
17 January 2010
1st Day of School
Julia and Liam had their first day of school last week. Apparently we are as (un)talented at taking first-day-of-school photos as we are at taking family Christmas shots. 15 pictures later, this was the best I could do....

Despite the lack of cooperation for the photo shoot, both children were thrilled to have their first day back (Julia had only been away for 2 weeks, but Liam was really starting fresh for the first time -- out of the baby room and into the 2-yr-old preschool room). I was very nervous about leaving him. He has been firmly attached to me for the past few months, and I wasn't sure how he'd fare. Within minutes of entering his classroom, however, he had forgotten all about me, and when I picked him up he was so busy playing with a classmate that he barely noticed I'd arrived. Julia was a bit disappointed that her closest school friend, Sara, would not be in her class this year, but she still had a great day. When I got to Julia's room to pick her up she told me I'd come "too early, Mama!"
It started raining when we got home that afternoon, and Julia was thrilled at the (rare) chance to don her raincoat and boots and stomp around in the rain. Liam looked forlornly at Julia's outfit (he's outgrown his coat and boots), so I loaned him my rain jacket....
It started raining when we got home that afternoon, and Julia was thrilled at the (rare) chance to don her raincoat and boots and stomp around in the rain. Liam looked forlornly at Julia's outfit (he's outgrown his coat and boots), so I loaned him my rain jacket....
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Absolutely darling! Hobbit he is. The first day of school pictures convey their excitement. Keep up the tradition. Julia's legs are getting so long, and they have always been strong.
So precious. He does look somewhat "hobbitish"...very cute.
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