Some photos and events I missed out on blogging about in the past few months (in no particular order)...

Julia, proud of her Liam-art

The boys (Pop & Liam) & their pink parasol -- a very manly accessory


Playing down at Wellington Point on the day a tsunami was forecast

"And the big waves will come up like this..."

Pop & Gran

Tsunami? What tsunami?

Liam, Pop, Gran, Nana, Julia & me

Our little swimmer
(the water's actually about 8 inches deep here)

(she kept trying to convince Matt to let go)

Chug-a chug-a...

Choo choo!

Teatime with Nana

Storytime with Nana


Snacktime with Nana
(Are we sensing the theme here? We LOVE Nana!)

Nana's Puppet Theatre

and her excited audience

Breakfast birthday cupcakes
(The day Julia turned one I had to work all day, so we had her cakes that morning while we were all together. The next year I had an exam on her birthday, so we did the same thing. After that, it became a tradition.)

Checking out his birthday loot

On the big girl bike she got for Christmas
The next few pictures are all from the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) in Brisbane. Matt's parents took the children there during their first weekend to keep both children. The children had a great weekend overall but really seemed to love this outing most-- lots to explore!

The buddhas started out white, but the museum has the patrons cover them in assorted stickers.

Family dinner
(a fairly accurate picture -- food surrounding Liam's plate and the floor, a pouty-faced Julia, and me looking pretty worn out -- despite it all, I do like when we can all sit down together)

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who IS the fairest of them all?"

Liam picked out my dress up clothes and his

Date night (a wonderful treat while my mom was here to babysit)

"Fun time with Nana? And no parents? This is great!!"
The children were actually thrilled at our departure.

Liam supervised the baking of his birthday cupcakes
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