Since we don't have any holidays this week, we celebrated Thanksgiving early with a lunch at our house-- traditional Southern Thanksgiving with an Aussie twist (i.e. 90 degree weather and the turkey cooked on the barbie).

Julia was incredibly excited and helped me set special places for her and Caydence at her little table.

Even that early (around 9am) she was ready for the party (and the turkey!). I had to explain that it would be awhile before the guests actually arrived for our 2 o'clock lunch.

Sarah brought these great long balloons for the kids and they were such a hit! Liam at first was too busy in Julia's kitchen to pay attention to the balloons (apparently, he wanted to help fix the Thanksgiving meal!), but once he found them he was thrilled (as were the girls)!

Luke & Bec's daughter Jess (turning 7 yrs old today-- Happy Birthday!) took Julia under her wing (and even carried Liam around for a bit too-- so cute), and within minutes Julia was happily trailing her everywhere.

Just a funny aside: The girls decided for some reason to play in Liam's playpen that I'd put out in the backyard. Julia decided she wanted to get out and without help started climbing over the edge--a feat she's previously been too short to accomplish.

Apparently she was still too short and took a big spill. Bec was out there ready to rush in and help, but instead of the usual drama and tears, Julia stood up and proudly exclaimed, "I did it myself!". Meanwhile Liam had a string of people to hold him and play with him, and he was in heaven! It was great for me because with the children so well entertained I was able to really enjoy the party too.

Matt's turkey on the BBQ turned out brilliantly, and in true male form, the boys all stood around for a good 15 minutes debating carving techniques before actually cutting into the beast.

In addition to the turkey we had cornbread dressing (Grandpa's recipe but not nearly as good!), holiday sweet potatoes, spinach madeline, salad and pumpkin pie.

The Aussies all decided that we Southerners are on to something in adding marshmallows to vegetables! Pumpkin pie was also a really foreign concept (despite the fact that roast pumpkin is a common side dish in this country). I definitely missed having a can of
Libby's to make the pies! (who would've thought making pumpkin pie actually began by roasting/skinning & straining a fresh pumpkin and not just opening the can of pie filling?!)

Simon brought bocce ball (or boulle), and we all migrated outside (leading with our belly's, I'm sure, after the big meal) for a game. Julia didn't quite get the concept and "helped" by collecting all the balls before anyone had had a chance to figure out the score. She was soon distracted, though, and the game continued.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope to make this an annual tradition here in Oz. Thank you to all of our guests for joining us! It was wonderful to share a bit of the South with y'all.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Raulstons in Hattiesburg! We're missing y'all and wish we could be there too!!