Julia has found a renewed interest in painting lately, so we have been doing a lot of art during Liam's naps (I haven't been game to let Liam join in the painting fun yet). I love this new stage in her development where she'll now tell me what she's drawing. This started a few months ago with her coloring. I commented on her lovely picture and asked her to tell me about it. She pointed to one squiggly line and declared it an apple. The huge swirls surrounding the "apple" were "a shoe".

The current favorite subjects are snails and dinosaurs, and the snails actually hold a vague resemblance to the actual animals. She hadn't labeled this painting as anything yet when I took the photo, but by the time the paper was starting to tear from being soaked through with paint and all the colors were mixing into a brownish mass she declared the piece simply "finished"-- perhaps we're moving toward the new trend of modern art that transcends all concrete labels of what it is. I got distracted trying to save the patio furniture from her paint-covered hands and didn't actually get a final photo of the masterpiece, but I have no doubt that there will be many more to come.
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