Simon & Sarah stayed after Thanksgiving and got a chance to practice their babysitting skills (they have generously offered to take the children one night while Matt & I go to see
Cirque du Soliel -- my birthday present).

Julia adores Simon, but Sarah is definitely vying for top spot because in addition to the balloons (which were such a hit), she brought sparklers for Julia to play with (yes, that's right-- fire for the 2-yr-old -- we gave her a bit of a hard time). Such a hit though! Julia was fascinated and asked us to light one after the other--they were gone in a matter of minutes.

Liam was a bit apprehensive of Julia weilding flames (smart guy!), and Matt & Simon got a sort of synchronized sparkler routine going but were a bit disappointed when Sarah, Julia, Liam & I weren't vocal enough in our praise of their skill.

Sarah got the bathtime routine mastered...not an easy feat with little Liam who LOVES the water and has absolutely no fear of (and quite enjoys) dunking his head (face first) into the water.

Seriously, the little guy goes from sitting to belly flop and back to sitting in seconds flat and barely pauses from his happy crowing!

Then Simon stepped in for storytime with Julia and did admirably at reading Fox in Sox (the Dr. Seuss tongue twister book-- just a sample from the book: "When tweedle beetles battle in a puddle with a paddle and a poodle eating noodles, it's a tweedle beetle puddle poodle noodle paddle battle...").

Thanks for hanging out & helping out! The kids loved all the attention, and Julia now frequently tells me, "I want to see Simon. And Sarah. Sarah has balloons." (you've secured your place, Sarah!)
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