29 June 2008

P is for...

Julia loves food and is not usually very picky about what she eats, although she's getting more particular about her meals as she nears two years old. Despite having a good dinner before bed each night, Julia wakes up (usually around 5:30) and (now that she can open her bedroom door) barges into the hall demanding, "Eats, eats!" So begins 1st breakfast, usually consisting of whatever breakfast item I can present the fastest (seriously, most mornings it's a plain piece of bread because she can't be bothered waiting for the toaster).
She often then gets distracted playing, and by 7 or 8am (after what seems already like a full morning), Julia is once again demanding "Eats, eats!" Consequently, I've taken a cue from Tay Gillespie at Strong River Camp & Farm, and we now have 2nd breakfast in our household. Typically, 2nd breakfast is oatmeal or eggs or fruit and yogurt, and I usually let Julia decide what she wants.
So the other morning started out as usual. Julia burst into the hallway and made a bee-line for the kitchen...woman on a mission. She had her bread (she even let me toast and put Vegemite on it), and we played for a couple of hours. Then round 2 began with Julia climbing up into her chair, requesting what sounded for all the world like "Peas." As I've mentioned before, Julia has many words but they're not always very clear, so I began my usual guessing game of what she was asking me for. Many times she says "Please" by itself as a request, so I started there.
The conversation went something like this:
Julia: "Pees?"
Mama: "Please, what, sweetie?"
Julia: "Pees"
Mama: "That's nice of you to say please, but what are you asking for?"
Julia: "Pees?"
Mama: "Piece? Do you want a piece of toast?"
Julia: "No. Pees"
Mama: "Do you want a piece of fruit?"
Julia: "No. Pees"
Mama (racking my brain and digging through the fridge and cupboard): "Oh, peach. Do you want some peaches?"
(Here I pulled out the fruit cups of diced peaches to show her, wondering in amazement how she even knew we had one of those in the pantry. She gave me a very confused look.)
Julia (getting frustrated with her dense mother now): "Peeeeeees"
Finally, it all clicked.
Mama (taking out the bag of frozen peas from the freezer): "Peas. You want peas. Frozen peas. For breakfast."
Julia: "Yes!" (with a look that said, "My gosh, my mom's an idiot, I've been saying that all along!) Another wonderful insight into the child's world: time means absolutely nothing. Allocating foods to certain meals is completely arbitrary. 7 in the morning or 6 at night, what difference does it make?! Julia proceeded to eat her peas (frozen at first, though she did eventually come around to my way of thinking and let me at least heat them for her), and she enjoyed them thoroughly!

O is for...

Oh why, oh why won't my children ever sleep?!?!

28 June 2008

N is for...

M is for...

L is for...

*Vital Statistics*

Date of Birth: February 18, 2008
Age: 4 months
Weight: 7.96kg (17.6lbs)
Length: 66cm (26in)
Favorite Activities: Rolling over (he's mastered back-front and is getting lots better at front-back), laughing & smiling at anyone and everyone, chewing on anything near his mouth
What makes Liam laugh: peek-a-boo, animal noises, singing (especially "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep"), funny faces, Julia
What's new in his world: Swimming! Liam had his first swim lesson last week, and Matt took him for a swim yesterday (see video). He's taken to the water really well, just like his big sister!

At 4 months old, Liam is an incredibly good-natured little man. He has such great facial expressions and -- although happy when he's just playing with toys on his own-- will really put on a show for anyone who pays him one-on-one attention, laughing and "singing" and smiling and cooing. He is really big for his age (95th percentile for height and weight), and people are always surprised that he's just 4 months old. Liam has gotten really ticklish, and he'll belly-laugh when tickled or when you play peek-a-boo with him. Despite being a huge flirt and constantly flashing that big toothless grin of his, he reserves his biggest smiles and laughs for his sister. He finds Julia hilarious, responding to her whether she's right in his face talking to him or across the room talking to her dolls. He quickly forgets the minor traumas she puts him through from time to time (kicks, scrapes, and other brief jealous episodes) and goes back to looking up at her with his big blue eyes and a huge smile.

We love our little Liam!

K is for...

Krazy Kritters PlaySpace to celebrate Caydence's 2nd birthday!
(For those of you who don't know) Caydence is Julia's best friend. Her mom, Debbie, and I met at a local park last October. Our friendship began a lot like the relationship of a couple who meets at a bar. Debbie and I eyed one another, smiling shyly and then quickly turning away, slowly inching toward eachother. The initial conversation started with, "So, do you come here often?" After nearly two hours of idle chitchat and watching our girls play together (no shyness there), we awkwardly decided to exchange numbers. We met up at the park a few more times and within a few weeks we were getting the girls together almost daily for playdates at our houses and outings around town. Julia had a blast at Caydence's party. Krazy Kritters is one of those great indoor play areas that has a huge jumping castle and a massive climbing structure with tunnels and slides and bridges and even a flying fox (zipline) all padded and contained in netting so the children can pretty much have free reign of the place with minimal adult intervention. Since I've been at school we haven't seen Caydence as often, so Julia was thrilled to see her and immediately rushed over to give her a hug. They completely wore themselves out climbing and running and jumping and sliding and then enjoyed devouring all the party food, including a cupcake which Julia was very protective of (she's onto Matt now and knows that leftovers are not safe around him).

24 June 2008

J is for...

Name: Julia Elizabeth McCarthy
Date of Birth: August 9, 2008
Age: 22 months
Favorite Activities: swimming, gymnastics, running, jumping, climbing, running & jumping off of things she's climbed on top of...
Favorite Toys: Baby dolls & all of their accessories, a bunny blanket called "NingNing", & her little brother, Liam
Favorite Foods: Toast with Vegemite (yep, she's an Aussie), just about any fruit, Thai chili tofu, any kind of cheese, & the (newly discovered) stash of Junior Mints that Mama keeps in the freezer -- she has very eclectic tastes!
Favorite Words/Phrases: "Nice!" & "Not yet" & "Moo-mease" (move please) -- the last is not only directed at people in her way but also chairs, tables, locked doors, etc.

Julia is an incredibly active child who can outrun/outclimb most 3-year-olds at the playground. She loves going to gymnastics class and is a pro at swinging on the bars and rings. She runs or hops most everywhere she goes, and when I take her walking in the stroller, she turns into a personal trainer and commands me to go faster or run! She is also a fantastic little swimmer (just like her Daddy) and could spend hours jumping off the edge of the pool to whoever will catch her!

Although a bit slow to get started, Julia's language is improving rapidly. She may not be able to say as many words or phrases as other children her age, but she certainly understands the subtleties of language and has a great sense of humor. Recently she added the word "nice" to her vocab, e.g. As it's cold here (our winter), when Julia crawls into bed now (hers or ours), she props herself up on a bunch of soft pillows, tucks the duvet up to her chin, and says, "Niiiiiice"

Julia is a sweet big sister most of the time. She pats Liam when he cries, brings him toys, covers him with blankets, & tries to put his pacifier in his mouth. She still thinks he's one of her baby dolls and will try to pick him up as she would her dolls. Liam loves her and just lights up when she's talking or paying attention to him. We do have issues when he's playing with toys that used to be hers and when Julia's tired and wants all the attention; then hugs turn to squeezes and pats turn to slaps. But Liam's growing so fast he'll outweigh her soon enough and will be able to hold his own!

While I'm at classes, Julia spends one day a week at a Montessori school and has been complimented on her nice manners (glad to know that those teachings have rubbed off even if we don't always see it at home). I like to peek in the window when I go pick her up and watch her with her teacher, Kim, and her other 5 classmates. Last week they were all sitting in a semi-circle, working on putting on and taking off their socks and shoes...very cute! The other two days she spends playing with Nana -- beach, playground, storytime at the library, crafts & puzzles at Nana's apartment-- such fun!! They even got to ride the bus together to meet Mama at school!

We love our sweet girl!!

17 June 2008

I is for...

H is for...

HIPPIE babies. Tired of buying box after box of diapers, I decided to get a few cloth diapers to use for times when we're just at home. None of this folding and pinning though, I went for the Berry Plush all-in-twos that have an inner absorbent part that just snaps into the outer waterproof cover. Matt's been making fun of me, though, saying that I've turned our children into hippie babies because Liam now sports tie-dyed cloth diapers and both are wearing BabyLegs (funky leg warmers). Julia loves hers though because (since she's almost potty-trained) she got cloth pull-ups that look like big girl undies with fun polka dots and zebra stripes (couldn't really get an internet-appropriate photo of her in them, so this is what they look like).

16 June 2008

G is for...

GRAN and Josh coming to visit! Gran (Matt's mom) stopped by Burleigh Heads on her way down to their beach house at Brunswick and got to hang out with Liam and Julia and my mom (I got to see them in between classes too). Josh lives down on the Gold Coast and happened to be free, so he skateboarded down to the surf club to meet everyone for lunch. Julia doesn't get to see him much but since he always pays her special attention, she was very excited when he arrived (although she then got very shy until the car ride home when she chanted "Josh, Josh, Josh" the whole way). Gran couldn't believe how big Liam had gotten, and Julia loved the beautiful jacket Gran brought her back from Bolivia (they've just returned from hiking in South America).

All tuckered out after the visit

F is for...

FESTIVAL. We've been exploring some of the Gold Coast markets with Nana on the weekends and have been hearing about the annual Winter Sun Festival at Coolangatta (southern Gold Coast).
Standing on the dividing line between New South Wales and Queensland

It made for a great outing because not only were there some great outdoor markets to explore but it was actually a 50's Rock 'n Roll festival with row upon row of classic cars, 50's outfits (including an extensive range of men's and women's dancing shoes), and quite a few people who have taken the retro look to a whole new level (one mother in a poodle skirt was pushing her baby in a huge vintage pram).
"Now THIS is a car I could actually work on..." -Matt
(after a few minutes by this Viper, Matt fancied himself a bit of a classic car buff)

Julia was in her element, marching through the crowds (completely oblivious to all the other people) and browsing all the stalls. Liam slept through most of the outing.
Checking out the didgeridoos with Nana

"This has been fun and all, but I think I'll just sit down for a bit"


Relaxing at Nana's after our outing

15 June 2008

E is for...

Elizabeth (aka Mama, Nana). Here are a few miscellaneous photos from her visit so far...

D is for...


In Australia, Father's Day is celebrated in September, but I wanted to dedicate this post to all the dads out there, my own dad in particular! We are missing you, Daddy/G-da, and we hope you can come visit us very soon! In the meantime, we're thankful for all your support from across the ocean!

Julia loves her G-da! She asks about him constantly, points him out in pictures,
and proudly shows us the toys and books he's sent her in the past months
(this picture was from Feb)

Since we're down the coast most of the week, it's a treat on the
weekends for Liam & Julia to get to snuggle up with their Daddy

14 June 2008

C is for...

*A lesson in Aussie speak: College = high school, Uni = college/university

Pushing a pram around campus

As I've mentioned before, I'm back in school again at Bond University studying law. Being at law school in Australia is completely different. The legal system here is, of course, different from the US system but the law itself is actually pretty much the same since it all originated in the same place. The really drastic difference is that undergrads and post-grads (the JD students) are all mixed in the same classes. In Oz, you have to decide on your field of study before even starting college. You apply for that particular program at your chosen school(s) rather than just applying for the university (your high school courses and final test give Aussie students an OP score on graduation and each program and/or university will designate a minimum OP score needed to even apply for their program). The undergrads still have to do core classes, but for the basics of law like Torts, Contracts, etc. we are all together since in this country you can practice law with just an LLB (Bachelor of Law) rather than needing the JD. Bond is the only university in Queensland, however, that offers a true JD program, which means that when I get this degree, I'll not only be able to practice in Australia but also be able to sit for the bar exam and (upon passing) practice in the States.

Feeding Liam before heading to class

Anyway, despite being incredibly busy and still trying to figure out good time management, I'm really enjoying Bond and being back in school. Being down at the Gold Coast means a heck of a commute, but it's worth it for the interesting classes & professors, nice people, & the beautiful, sunny campus.

Hanging out on campus with Nana while Mama attends class

Top 5 things I never pictured when (5 years ago at Berkeley) I decided I'd like to go into law:

#5 Having two young children while going through law school...
#4 Studying in the library whiel one of those children (Liam) slept in the pram...
#3 Taking a baby with me to lecture too (Liam gnawed on his rattle while I took notes)...
#2 Wearing a wig to court....

But the #1 thing I never imagined....

Going to law school at a university where the bell tower plays "Waltzing Matilda"!

B is for...

BEDS of various types have taken over our house in the past 6 months. Between the house and the garage, here's our current inventory: A baby hammock, a snuggle bed, a co-sleeper, 2 cribs, a single bed, a double bed, a queen bed, an AeroBed, a camping mattresses, & 2 port-a-cribs... And the irony of it all? I'm completely sleep-deprived!

Long before Liam arrived, we bought Julia a cute single bed, set it up in her room, outfitted it with a safety rail, and tried to get her interested in moving out of the crib. It worked brilliantly...for about a week, and then it became a couch for reading (and a trampoline when mama wasn't looking). I decided not to push the transition then and went back to our usual sleepless nights. Note: When Liam arrived, Julia was 18 months old and had never slept through the night!

Two cute reasons for not getting enough sleep

By April, Liam was sleeping better than Julia on most nights, and it seemed that they had their wakings coordinated so that one would wake up just as the other went back down. And yes, there were bad habits that I knew we needed to break: Julia still got a bottle when she woke up (bad, I know, but it beat having to get up for the day at 3:30am!), Liam was sleeping in our room all the time and in our bed most nights, bedtime routines were...well...not routine. I was also convinced the crib was part of the problem...she seemed too big for it.

Snug as a bug in a rug

Anyway, I figured since I wasn't getting any sleep anyway, we'd just do a major overhaul. Liam slept peacefully through all the commotion (he's a great day sleeper!), while I tried to make it all into an exciting game with Julia. Taking a tip from The McNulty Quads (yes, 4 toddlers at once!), I got rid of everything in Julia's room, locked the closets, covered all outlets, and put a gate up in the doorway. Liam's room (previously the guest room) finally came together as his nursery and the former double guest bed mattress found its way to Julia's floor to become her new "big girl bed".

Julia liked Liam's new set-up

Then I called in a professional. Rene Rees, the Brisbane Baby Whisperer, helped us overhaul our routines (day and night), and four days later we were bottle-free with no baby in our bed, and Julia slept through the night (till 6am!) for the first time in 20 months! I can't say we're 100%...every now and then we still have a really early morning or no nap during the day, and Liam (at almost 4 months) has decided to shift his schedule around again...but it's been 2 months and Julia is definitely a big girl, even sleeping in a normal bed at Nana's 2-3 nights each week. Hey, one day I might even get some sleep too!

Before bed -- Night 1

"Can I come out now?"

Julia was a pacifier girl, but Liam loves his thumb!

A is for Alphabet Game...

and Attempting to get back into blogging.

A few bloggers I know have been playing the blogging alphabet game (i.e. posts themed according to a letter of the alphabet, going in order from A-Z), so I thought it would be a great way to play catch-up.

A is also for ATTITUDE! Julia has definitely got some of that! She loves to imitate people (we are definitely approaching 2). She mimics hand gestures and stances, and often I (and other people) won't realize I'm standing or moving a certain way until I look at Julia and she her mirroring me. My favorite though is when she stands with her hands on her hips and then grins real big...such attitude and so cute (unfortunately, she gets camera shy with it, and I've only been able to get a picture with her back to me)

10 June 2008

Babes on the Beach

Sorry, boys...no scantily-clad sunbathers in this post! Just a few pics of the kiddos down at Burleigh Heads. Julia was particularly fascinated by her shadow.

"Whoa...this flat person down here keeps doing EXACTLY what I'm doing"

"I'm outrunning him now though!"

"Mom, you're blocking my sun"

01 June 2008

Nana's Here!

My mom arrived almost a month ago now. I'm not sure she actually got a chance to get over jet lag because I immediately put her to work as my nanny, personal assistant, and everything in between, but she has been amazing about it all!
For anyone who's not caught up: I've started law school again (tale for another post) at Bond University down on the Gold Coast (a little over an hour away from our house), and my mom has rented an apartment at Burleigh Heads (less than 10 minutes from campus) and selflessly volunteered to take care of Julia and Liam while I'm in classes and studying.
A big thank you to my dad, too, for parting with her for these couple of months to help out while you toil away at work and home all by your lonesome-- we hope you can come visit soon! (He also sent these fun beach hats, leis and other goodies that were such a hit with Julia!)Julia is thrilled to have Nana here. Not only does she have another playmate around, but Nana now has a cool apartment and new area to explore too. Nana's place is fantastic with a heated pool (it's winter here, remember) and a balcony (Julia likes to talk to the birds who come sit on the ledge -- and occasionally come inside -- and to the people walking or riding bikes down below-- she doesn't seem to care that they can't hear her).The beach is just across the street, and Julia has gotten over her initial hesitancy about the waves and now enjoys playing in the water and sand and watching all the surfers.Julia has also become a frequent visitor to the many parks along The Esplanade (Nana's street), and she even has her own card for the local library! This is her at storytime (below).Liam is enjoying his weekday set-up too. His crib is in the living room so he can literally be the centre of attention, cooing and smiling and laughing and being his good-natured little self.