Date of Birth: February 18, 2008
Age: 4 months
Weight: 7.96kg (17.6lbs)
Length: 66cm (26in)
Favorite Activities: Rolling over (he's mastered back-front and is getting lots better at front-back), laughing & smiling at anyone and everyone, chewing on anything near his mouth
What makes Liam laugh: peek-a-boo, animal noises, singing (especially "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep"), funny faces, Julia
What's new in his world: Swimming! Liam had his first swim lesson last week, and Matt took him for a swim yesterday (see video). He's taken to the water really well, just like his big sister!
At 4 months old, Liam is an incredibly good-natured little man. He has such great facial expressions and -- although happy when he's just playing with toys on his own-- will really put on a show for anyone who pays him one-on-one attention, laughing and "singing" and smiling and cooing. He is really big for his age (95th percentile for height and weight), and people are always surprised that he's just 4 months old.
Liam has gotten really ticklish, and he'll belly-laugh when tickled or when you play peek-a-boo with him. Despite being a huge flirt and constantly flashing that big toothless grin of his, he reserves his biggest smiles and laughs for his sister. He finds Julia hilarious, responding to her whether she's right in his face talking to him or across the room talking to her dolls. He quickly forgets the minor traumas she puts him through from time to time (kicks, scrapes, and other brief jealous episodes) and goes back to looking up at her with his big blue eyes and a huge smile. 
Age: 4 months
Weight: 7.96kg (17.6lbs)
Length: 66cm (26in)
Favorite Activities: Rolling over (he's mastered back-front and is getting lots better at front-back), laughing & smiling at anyone and everyone, chewing on anything near his mouth
What makes Liam laugh: peek-a-boo, animal noises, singing (especially "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep"), funny faces, Julia
What's new in his world: Swimming! Liam had his first swim lesson last week, and Matt took him for a swim yesterday (see video). He's taken to the water really well, just like his big sister!
At 4 months old, Liam is an incredibly good-natured little man. He has such great facial expressions and -- although happy when he's just playing with toys on his own-- will really put on a show for anyone who pays him one-on-one attention, laughing and "singing" and smiling and cooing. He is really big for his age (95th percentile for height and weight), and people are always surprised that he's just 4 months old.

We love our little Liam!
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