*A lesson in Aussie speak: College = high school, Uni = college/university
As I've mentioned before, I'm back in school again at Bond University studying law. Being at law school in Australia is completely different. The legal system here is, of course, different from the US system but the law itself is actually pretty much the same since it all originated in the same place. The really drastic difference is that undergrads and post-grads (the JD students) are all mixed in the same classes. In Oz, you have to decide on your field of study before even starting college. You apply for that particular program at your chosen school(s) rather than just applying for the university (your high school courses and final test give Aussie students an OP score on graduation and each program and/or university will designate a minimum OP score needed to even apply for their program). The undergrads still have to do core classes, but for the basics of law like Torts, Contracts, etc. we are all together since in this country you can practice law with just an LLB (Bachelor of Law) rather than needing the JD. Bond is the only university in Queensland, however, that offers a true JD program, which means that when I get this degree, I'll not only be able to practice in Australia but also be able to sit for the bar exam and (upon passing) practice in the States.
Anyway, despite being incredibly busy and still trying to figure out good time management, I'm really enjoying Bond and being back in school. Being down at the Gold Coast means a heck of a commute, but it's worth it for the interesting classes & professors, nice people, & the beautiful, sunny campus.

Top 5 things I never pictured when (5 years ago at Berkeley) I decided I'd like to go into law:
#5 Having two young children while going through law school...
#4 Studying in the library whiel one of those children (Liam) slept in the pram...
#3 Taking a baby with me to lecture too (Liam gnawed on his rattle while I took notes)...
#2 Wearing a wig to court....
But the #1 thing I never imagined....
Going to law school at a university where the bell tower plays "Waltzing Matilda"!
#4 Studying in the library whiel one of those children (Liam) slept in the pram...
#3 Taking a baby with me to lecture too (Liam gnawed on his rattle while I took notes)...
#2 Wearing a wig to court....
But the #1 thing I never imagined....
Going to law school at a university where the bell tower plays "Waltzing Matilda"!
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