Julia went to the unoccupied double scooter, sat in the back seat and waited. Smart girl. Moments later Caydence hopped on the front and peddled her all around the play area.
31 January 2009
Thomas the Tank Engine -- Take 2
Our second trip to the Thomas exhibit was great too! We even discovered some parts of the museum we hadn't made it to the first time around...
30 January 2009
I Would Walk 500 Miles...
Okay, so not 500 miles. Just 2 steps. But in the world of this 11-month-old little boy, that's a lot. Yes, that's right. Mr. Liam took his first 2 steps today! He must have woken up this morning saying, "Hey, I think I'll walk today" because right from the start our day was different. For months he has been able to pull up and walk along the furniture, but this morning he simply stood up unassisted. Then a few hours later while playing out on the patio, he stood up again and then took two strong steps forward before standing still a moment and then sitting right back down. When I cheered him on, he just looked up at me like, "Yeah, I know I'm clever" and then proceeded to eat a stick of chalk like it was a banana (just when you think they're moving out of the baby stage..." ;-)
Of course, I didn't have the video camera handy for his first steps, but here's another one of the funny little man practicing his favorite sport of wrestling (on his favorite sheepskin rug):
Of course, I didn't have the video camera handy for his first steps, but here's another one of the funny little man practicing his favorite sport of wrestling (on his favorite sheepskin rug):
16 January 2009
Love Your Enemy
13 January 2009
Thomas the Train Exhibit
11 January 2009
10 January 2009
Brunswick Fair
Last year Julia was too young to come with us to the little local fair as it doesn't open until about 6:30 each night, so we were excited to get to take her this year (Liam was asleep and stayed with Gran and Pop).
First of the big kid rides. Julia was really excited till it started then she looked a little worried. But the second the ride ended...
"I go again?"
Leading us to the giant slide (too dark to really get pictures of the rides)
Again Julia was so excited to climb the steps but got scared as we were actually flying down the slide together, but then the rest of the trip she kept asking to go again.
Daddy and Uncle Shane won her some toys at the arcade games.
But the bingo hall was her favorite. She helped cover up the numbers and thought it was really funny when someone won and called out "Bingo"
Again Julia was so excited to climb the steps but got scared as we were actually flying down the slide together, but then the rest of the trip she kept asking to go again.
Brunswick Christmas
(Julia had never met Nick before, but when he introduced himself as Simon's brother she said, "He's my favorite"and from then on they were friends)
09 January 2009
Mother-Daughter Day
The weather had turned beautiful after that, so we headed over to the beach at Burleigh Heads. Julia is very familiar with that area because that's where Nana had her condo when she was here helping me, and Nana took Julia playing at the local parks and the beach a lot. We haven't been back there since my mom left in October, but the second we got there, Julia said, "Let's go see Nana"-- we wish we could!! She remembered it all and was very definite about which part of the beach she wanted to go to. We had a great time playing in the sand, running through the tide, and Julia quickly had me fully in the surf, splashing around with her. We had a blast!
Rough and Tumble
We'd finally mended from that head wound (you can barely see the bruise through his hair anymore), but then yesterday I got a call from their school saying that Liam had once again injured himself. He was climbing on one of the baby play structures and managed to split his eyebrow on the edge of a step. If it's not one thing it's another. Back to the doctor. Fortunately no stitches...just that cool skin superglue. At least for boys facial scars are a bragging right!
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