Julia had dutifully put out milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, but when she woke up Christmas morning and saw the empty plate and glass she accused Matt of having eaten everything before Santa could have any. Her doubt was clearly not related to Santa's existence but rather she doubted that homemade cookies could sit out unattended for more than a few minutes without getting pilfered by Daddy.

She did, however, readily attribute the appearance of all the presents to Santa, and it was fun watching her opening presents with Liam (who, of course, was most interested in the wrapping paper itself and in pulling the ornaments off the tree).

There were a few sibling moments of struggling over possession of the new toys, but overall they were really sweet to eachother, and we loved seeing their excitement over their new gifts!

Julia is very serious about taking car of her babies,
and she was so excited that they now have a big girl bed just like her.

Liam loved his new bike. He just needs a little more height on him before he can push it along by himself.

G-Da & Nana gave the kids this great puppet theatre,
and Julia & Daddy put on a show for us.

Now Julia (and Liam with some help) can jump out all that energy!
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