10 January 2009

Brunswick Fair

Last year Julia was too young to come with us to the little local fair as it doesn't open until about 6:30 each night, so we were excited to get to take her this year (Liam was asleep and stayed with Gran and Pop).

First of the big kid rides. Julia was really excited till it started then she looked a little worried. But the second the ride ended...
"I go again?"

Leading us to the giant slide (too dark to really get pictures of the rides)
Again Julia was so excited to climb the steps but got scared as we were actually flying down the slide together, but then the rest of the trip she kept asking to go again.

Daddy and Uncle Shane won her some toys at the arcade games.

But the bingo hall was her favorite. She helped cover up the numbers and thought it was really funny when someone won and called out "Bingo"

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