Last night Julia was saying her prayers with me before bed. She had gone through the usual family members and the friends she usually mentions (Caydence & Debbie, Simon & Sarah). I thought she was about to say Amen, but then this darling girl adds....
Oh boy...I am sure Hayes is next on her list :) If Caroline and Hayes did this every night and went through everything they did to one another, we would be up ALL NIGHT LONG! Oh, as for sleeping late, I have no has not been a regular thing sadly...just a phase!
Oh boy...I am sure Hayes is next on her list :) If Caroline and Hayes did this every night and went through everything they did to one another, we would be up ALL NIGHT LONG!
Oh, as for sleeping late, I have no has not been a regular thing sadly...just a phase!
Haha...just giving all the details in case anyone missed anything! :)
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