We settled into our recovery room with Liam and received visitors and beautiful bouquets of flowers.The hospital where I delivered (same one I went to with Julia) is really nice-- all private rooms with two beds so Matt had a place to sleep each night. We wanted so much for Julia to meet her little brother, but she wasn't allowed at the hospital since she still had the Chicken Pox, so when she came with the family, Matt stayed outside and played with her. Liam seemed content with the visitors, and slept pretty well each night (although he got a bit anxious for my milk to come in on the second night). He had his first bath, got a healthy hearing check (and passed), and the pediatrician came daily to check on him, pronouncing him happy and healthy every time. We liked listening to his little noises...he squeaks a lot and he squeals like a baby pig instead of crying when he's upset.He's been a happy baby though and really only cries when he's getting his diaper changed or when he's really anxious for a feed. Matt did get a shock (despite having been warned) when changing Liam's diaper...boys can catch you off guard and it's messy!! We've all been playing the who-does-he-look-like game, but everyone seems to have a different opinion. Regardless, we think he's just perfect!
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